Daye Blog

Business Card Maker

React Mini-Project

Business Card Maker

:card_index: Business Card Maker

본 프로젝트는 아래의 두 가지 단계로 진행되었습니다.

  1. 드림코딩의 리액트 강의를 바탕으로 명함제작 사이트 생성
  2. 1번 프로젝트에 mobX 상태관리 라이브러리 적용


Business Card Maker is a web site that designs business cards based on the information entered by the user

Development Period


From July 1, 2022 to July 17, 2022

Development Environment & Technology


  • React


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript XML
  • Firebase
  • Cloudinary
  • React Router
  • MobX


  • Sign in with Auth Provider
  • Add and Delete Card
  • Write, Read, Update and Delete data in realtime
  • Upload image

Example Video


  • Github
  • Github(MobX)
  • [Posting MobX-React Business Card Maker](

Get in touch

Avenco comes with a built-in contact form.